Melisa Keenan

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We Get It, Your Dad Died

Welp, I cried through ALL but the first 5ish minutes of this podcast interview! You know, people don't ask me about my dead father. He died in 2000, thats 22 years ago. I was just 12. There aren't that many people in my life who even knew him. But I carry him with me every moment, every day.

This is probably the most honest, most real tribute to a father that there ever was.

I could feel him with me through the entire conversation.

My Daddy was not perfect, but he was perfect to me. And I miss him every single day.

Thank you Margy Feldhuhn for providing such a real and raw space of healing and expression... and sharing about my wonderful daddy and how our unique journey has made me into the person that I am.

I'm just saying, this was sacred. Don't listen if you're not ready to step into sacred ground.

Podcast Host: Margy Feldhuhn

Title: S3E3: Melisa

We Get It Your Dad Died Podcast

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