Bring Harmony to Your Feminine & Masculine Energies
“May I have this dance?” said the Yin to the Yang. “Yes, you may!” Step onto the dance floor and feel the rhythm and harmony of your masculine and feminine energies.
Discover how your energies can work individually, collectively, and synergistically to bring more flow, connection, and love into your life. It’s a beautiful thing!
The Nuggets of Midlife Wisdom from today’s show:
Grief never goes away. You just get used to carrying it.
No matter what other people did around you or want from you, it doesn’t matter. Your soul's purpose is to experience happiness and fulfillment. Do whatever you can to experience that.
The darkness can bring you into a place of humility, and if you open enough, those dark moments will show how you contribute to your own misery.
Access your feminine energy by noticing when you are feeling discomfort and taking a moment to pause and feel it within your feminine energy.
The masculine energy is all about doing and the feminine energy is all about being.
What’s in alignment with your highest and greatest good? What is good for you will be good for those around you.
The biggest indicator of too much masculine energy is tight shoulders and tension headaches.
Being an adult is so overrated! Bring your inner child out to play! Play is your feminine energy!
May this episode bring you happiness and healing. Enjoy!
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Podcast Host: Wendy Valentine Kuhn
Title: 043 ☯️ Improve Your Relationships, Sex Life, Career, Well-being & More! Bring Harmony to Your Feminine & Masculine Energies with Melisa Keenan
The Midlife Makeover Show
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