High Powered Female CEO - Episode 15 with Margy Feldhuhn

"Some of us, especially women in power, feel like we have to quiet that feminine, that empathetic side of ourselves in the service of setting boundaries and being assertive and growing and dominating.”

When she worked her way in the company from a contract $15/hr part-time position to becoming the CEO and owning half the company... anyone would want to lean in and listen to this story..

Chronicles of the High Powered Female CEO Episode 15 with Multi-7 figure marketing company CEO and business coach Margy Feldhuhn.

And the most impressive part to me is how she used her journey through her grieving to find the deepest alignment and intuition within herself, that continues to serve in her fulfillment in her business and relationships and the upleveling and expansion of her life.



Melisa Keenan