
Understanding Him

Receive - Rest - Heal

A 7-week Healing Deep Dive

A course for high-achieving women who show up in full alignment and integrity in their businesses and have achieved wholehearted success, and want their personal relationships to feel like they match that caliber of living.

This is for women who want to receive the men in their life more than ever before and experience greater connection, intimacy, and union in their relationships.

"Many women cannot hear male pain about love because it feels like an indictment of female failure."

-Bell Hooks

Reading a quote like this both makes me cringe with discomfort and makes me lean in and listen a little more closely. 

Because I know, at a certain stage of my life, and even now at times if I'm not careful, this quote has described me. 

You know, like wanting him to tell you how he feels but then getting angry or feeling let down by his inability to solve the problem on his own… 

Or want him to tell you what he wants but then question his motives for why he wants what he wants… 

Does this describe you too? 

We want emotional connection. 

We want our men to open up and share with us. But when they do, it triggers our survival and we get scared. Then we step into controlling and micromanaging, we become critical and judgemental, and we put up walls and defenses which actually create disconnection.

Brene Brown shared a poignant story where one day, after a talk, fans were approaching her, praising her for her research.

But then, one man with his gorgeous wife and daughters stayed behind.

He told them to go ahead without him and he would be right behind them in a moment.

Then he said to her, “I like what you had to say…but my wife and daughters? They’d rather see me die on top of my white horse than watch me fall off. You say you want us to be vulnerable and real, but c’mon. You can’t stand it. It makes you sick to see us like that.

Why is it so hard for us as women to actually hear our husband's vulnerability?

And also, why is it so hard for them to share?

If that rings true for you and you want to change this dynamic in your relationships with men, then this course is for you.

You see, the opposite is also true. 

When your husband shares and you receive him fully, his light and shadow, his strengths and weaknesses, and you actively try to put yourself into his shoes, it leads to connection and intimacy… that is so delicious and amazing. 

It feels like your souls are one, knit together in unity and love. 

It feels like the happily ever after you always wanted as a little girl, with all the basic and sparkle and a hefty dose of human mixed with divine. 

You feel more confident in yourself because you feel a peace around men that you have been craving.

This mini-course is for you if:

  • You really love your husband and want a deeper connection, openness, receiving, and understanding of him but;

    • You shy away from sharing openly.

    • You struggle when he shares openly.

    • He has trouble sharing openly.

  • You have had wounding around your husband, father, brothers, past romantic partners, or men at work, but have done healing work and are ready to allow your heart to open to the good men around you, more fully.

  • You want to have more ease in relationships with men at the workplace or men in your life in general. 

  • You want to heal from your ex.

  • You want to have more ease in dating. 

  • You're committed to embodying your divine nature. 

This course will help with some surprising things:

- Create greater emotional connection

- Experience increased sex drive and better sex

- Find greater access and embodiment of your feminine energy.

- Experience greater confidence and enthusiasm in your life and career. 

- Experience next-level healing with men.

- Strengthen the family unit.

- Aid in creating a new celestial world, as you access your divine nature and learn to more fully recognize the divine nature in your partner.

In the past 4 years I have supported women and couples to create deep intimacy. I have helped them overcome periods of not having sex in over a year. I have helped them confess to adultery and addiction and heal from it. I have supported them dealing with the death of their spouse or child. I have helped talk them off the cliff of divorce, and in some cases, I have supported them right through the divorce. 

A theme has continued to emerge over the years. A pattern that has been most revealing and often one of the most difficult hurdles to overcome. A barrier to intimacy… which is why I decided to develop this course. I'm also in the process of writing a book about Understanding Men so you will be right alongside my own next level of personal healing as well as research for this groundbreaking project. I hope you'll listen to your intuition and heed the call. 

In honor of women everywhere feeling safe to rest in the masculine around them and the good men in our life's feeling safe to let down their guard. In other words, in honor of each of us stepping more fully into our divine natures. 




Who is this course for? 

Anyone who wants more ease and connection with the men in their lives. Across all races, gender orientation, or any other identifying factors. All are welcome. The high-achieving business woman will feel really supported as this is primarily who I work with and it can be really supportive to be among peers.

I am a busy business owner and I'm concerned about the amount of time this course will take. 

We are not compartmentalized beings, healing and expanding in one area of life will affect all areas of your life. And given the obvious disparity between men and women in the workplace, you will have a significant advantage in approaching men with this kind of understanding, confidence, and wholeness compared to women who carry a lot of masculine wounding. Don't think of this as time away from your business, set the intention that it will directly impact your business.

What if I'm divorced?

This course will help you to view men in a whole new way.  It will likely bring up some previous memories and experiences that need healing and I recommend that you share with Melisa upon registering that you are divorced and how recently it happened so that we can make sure you get the proper care throughout the process.

What if I'm single? 

This course will help you learn to create true connections earlier in the foundation of any relationship you have with men, rather than having to do it the way I did, which was to figure out how to connect several years AFTER getting married. You will get a lot from this course.

I might be in an abusive relationship and/or my husband might be cheating. I'm not totally sure, and sometimes I think I might be overreacting. Will this course help me? 

If you aren't sure if you're in an abusive or unfaithful relationship, this course may or may not help you. If you truly are in an abusive/unfaithful relationship, I truly empathise with you. This course alone will not help your husband change his behavior, and it will not help you find a solution to your circumstances. However, I would love to help you connect to some resources better equipped to support you. Shoot me an email at

My husband has an addiction, will this course help? 

This course alone will not be sufficient to provide you with all the support you need. I have been right where you are, and I needed to invest in multiple supports to make it through the difficulties of recovery. If you have additional support in place, then this course will be an excellent compliment. If you want to know about more resources for the loved one of an addict, I would love to help you connect to some resources that I personally found extremely beneficial. Shoot me an email at

My husband has cheated on me in the past and even though he isn't anymore, I struggle trusting him. Will this course help? 

This course will help you in understanding him, yes. And it may help increase the trust that you experience with him. However, this journey to restore trust is very personal and I recommend one-on-one support in addition to the course itself. Please email me at to set up a free consultation so I can understand your situation better and support you in the next best steps. You're not alone, and there is a lot of hope.

I have a very low sex drive and this is a major area of conflict and misunderstanding for my husband and me. Will this course help?

This course will help you in understanding him, and seeing him in a new light often greatly affects sex drive. It will also increase emotional connection, which often supports women to feel safer, more open, and trusting to receive their partner sexually. However, low sex drive can come from many additional factors, and the best way to reclaim your sensuality would be to receive one-on-one support in addition to the course itself. Please email me at to set up a free consultation so I can understand your situation better and support you in the next best steps. You're not alone, and there is a lot of hope.

What if I have a trauma trigger during the 7-week course? 

This will be a supportive, connected community where you will be surrounded by women who are on the same journey as you. A lot of open sharing within the group will be encouraged (but never required). If at any time it begins to feel overwhelming or like too much, and you're not comfortable sharing with the group, reach out to me via email or direct message on Facebook and I will talk you through the next steps.

Please send any additional questions to and I will happily answer any questions you have.


Testimonials from women who have been in courses with me:

"Before we worked with Melisa, I had feelings of rage and disconnect with my husband. I was unable to be in the same room with him. I continually blamed him for any and all problems that came up. Now, we are able to talk things through and while we still have more work to do, I let my anger go much faster, and I’m able to enjoy my husband's company and that of course overflows to the rest of my family."

- G.B. NYC

"I'm not hurting my husband anymore, which made the whole experience worth it to me. We can see each other in different strengths and weaknesses. Also, it helped being around other women and seeing the different places were all at right now."

-H.D. TX

"Last session was really hard for me. At first, I shut down for the night. But the next morning, I opened up to my husband in ways I haven't done before." - Karen D. UT

Testimonials from men who have worked with me or who's wives have worked with me:

"Before I was feeling unappreciated and alone,  now after working with Melissa I feel more listened to and validated."

-Rob. V. NYC

"Ultimately, I am so grateful for our time with Melisa. She is warm, caring and so generous with her listening. She instilled comfort and trust immediately as she patiently guided us through effective techniques to respect, honor and hear each other like we did 17 years ago when we first fell in love!!"

-I.B. CA


Understanding Him- A 7-week Healing Deep Dive

A course for high-achieving women with alignment, integrity & wholehearted success in businesses, who want their personal relationships to feel like they match that caliber of living. 

This is for women who want to receive the men in their life more than ever before and experience greater connection, intimacy, and union in their relationships. 

September 12th - October 31st

(Keep an eye out for some fun bonuses!)

You will get:

  • Weekly calls run via zoom for training, discussion, celebrations, activation, intention setting, and connecting... so that you can experience the greatest transformation and feel truly elevated in your relationship with men.

  • Daily prompts from the heart of men... so that you can reactivate that awe and wonder for the men that are in your world.

  • Weekly Healing Sessions... so that this work becomes immediately embodied and you are feeling reenergized, invigorated, and expansive in your relationships, romance, and business.

  • Understanding Him Assessment... so that we can get straight to the heart of things and move through the healing quickly and efficiently.

  • Understanding Him workbook to accompany the live sessions... so that you walk away, even more, trusting of yourself as you navigate this healing journey.

  • 7 weeks at $777

    (You can pay only once, or in two parts of $388.50 each with the Payment Plan option)

Upon purchase, keep an eye out for an email from me with a welcome packet to get started towards greater ease, play, understanding, and connection around men right now!