Upcoming Multi-Author Books

Each of our book collections are highly curated. We desire that the individuals who write in these books bring the intended energy to the project, therefore it is impossible to register without first connecting to a member of the HOPE team or one of our partners. Buttons below will support you to reach out and connect with us! We would love to feature your story, let’s make sure it’s an energetic match first for everyone involved!

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Call of The Mystical Mountain

Mt. Shasta and the Emerging New Earth

Enrollment Closed!

Manifesting Magical Moments

Embrace the Extraordinary in Everyday Life

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The Dragon Codes:

Connecting with Powerful Dragon Energies for Healing, Manifestation, and Ascension

Humanity is ready to receive The Dragon Codes. Your dragon-channeling stories contain energetic knowledge and wisdom on healing, manifesting, and ascension that when heard, are transmitted to the people ready to receive them. There is a powerful dragon awakening happening. People are feeling the call to connect and commune with dragons but don’t know how. This book is an invitation to all the people who are meant to connect with their dragons as the first or next step on their dragon journey. There are people you know you're meant to help who haven’t found you yet, it's time to share your message with the world to make those connections.


We can’t wait to Support the Healing ripples only your voice can create!

If you have any questions, please send us an email to hello@heartopenpublishing.com