Are you Desirable?
I remember how absolutely fed up I was in our marriage.
I could not believe that he didn't seem to think we were worth fighting for... I was so sick of excuses and then, there it is... the stone wall... the shut down he would often go into as I plead with him to FIGHT FOR US!
to fight for me.
And he fell asleep. With my newborn baby in my arms, I shoved her into his lap startling him awake and I walked away from that conversation with a new determination.
If HE didn't think I was worth pursuing.
If HE didn't think I was desirable anymore, I would become DESIRABLE to MYSELF!
If HE didn't cherish me or want to fight for or protect me, I would find it somewhere within to cherish MYSELF.
That was the single most important decision I have ever made for myself...
and what I didn't know at the time... it was the single most important decision I have ever made for our MARRIAGE.
I would say 99% of the women I know would not own that they are desirable.
We say that we want our spouse to desire us, to pursue us, and to cherish us...but when we do not believe that we are desirable, when we do not cherish ourselves, when we don't think we are worthy of being pursued, our energy is NOT DESIRABLE.
I am calling out
to the women who have HAD ENOUGH!
You want what you want, and it is time to stop waiting around for your husband to change, or do something different to give it to you.
If you want to have an amazing life, an amazing marriage, an amazing relationship with your children, with God, an amazing relationship with YOURSELF... it is up to you!
What are you waiting for?
Fast-forward to today...
I absolutely have the marriage of my dreams. My husband rose to the occasion on his own free will. He desires me, he pursues me. He looks me in the eyes and tells me that he cherishes me (because I am TOTALLY into that!) AND, I pursue myself STILL!
You want it, you create it.
Take your first step. Book a free call with me.
Have you really had enough?
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