I really started to listen to my heart, and this is what happened.
It took more than 8 years to actually have the marriage that I thought we would have on day one.
When we got married, I envisioned my husband and I in...
The most romantic committed love,
With amazing connection,
Where he deeply valued me for my very soul,
Where we felt like an incredible team
and where we had the most special physical intimacy. Our own secret and sacred bliss.
That vision took 8 years to even begin to feel realized, and what came in those 8 years was NOTHING like that vision.
We did all the things; dates, sex, career advances, children, home, cars, church...
But it was dismal.
I never wanted sex, I felt so invisible to him, I felt only valued for what I could do, and I felt like everything landed on my shoulders for so long... I honestly didn't trust him with even the smallest things...
So many times I thought that my beautiful vision would never come true and wondered what we had done... if we had even made the right choice.
I felt like a victim of circumstances that were completely out of my control. I couldn't control him, certainly. I had already tried that and failed.
So how could I manifest all my heart’s desires for this marriage? For the romance and love and support and intimacy that I so deeply craved?
Eventually, all the hardship that we endured became the very school hard-knocks where ultimately our marriage began truly blossoming...
And in no small feat, I received the very marriage I envisioned.
My husband HAD changed indeed, but not as much as me.
He rooted many weaknesses out of himself, and become a more attentive and confident lover, more capable of emotional connection and true vulnerable connection. That all mattered a lot.
But more than any of that, I changed. I LEARNED THE TRUE ART OF MANIFESTING.
What I learned along that journey was so shocking to me.
I did not need to wait for my husband to change to receive the desires that I so wished for.
I did not need to DO anything to control him...
I did not need to drop hints...
I did not need to suggest books...
I did not need him to be actively working alongside me the way that I thought he should...
All my heart’s desires could be mine NOW. I merely needed to open myself to receive them... and then open my eyes to ways the universe would bring them to me.
What made the biggest difference?
How I was being, the energy I was vibrating, and the way I WAS LISTENING TO MY OWN HEART, made the biggest difference in the world.
When I became the woman that I envisioned in that marriage... my husband imperfectly-perfectly stepped into being the man that I envisioned in that marriage.
That's what Manifesting Intimacy is all about.
We have believed all the wrong things about ourselves. We have listened to the wrong voices and effectively shoved ourselves into boxes that do not support and empower us or the fulfillment we came to this earth to receive.
It’s time for that to change.
Click below to connect with Melisa.
Let’s Talk.
Schedule a free call with me, to explore options for couples & individual intimacy coaching.
"...as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson