Intimacy is your Secret Weapon as a High-Level Leader
I lived without intimacy for my entire life. And without it, I would NOT be the high-level CEO and leader that I am today.
I really was…
Afraid to be seen, yet secretly longing for someone to TRULY see me.
Afraid to be truly known, deep down… but wanting it at the same time.
Afraid of the vulnerability it would require, for me to ever actually let someone in that deep.
Until 8 years ago, when I went on a quest to claim intimacy as my birthright.
I KNEW that I had this longing for a reason, it couldn't just be a fairy tale.
Despite many trials in both my upbringing and then my marriage, I uncovered that not only was I capable of healing enough to experience intimacy, I could actually make intimacy my NATURAL STATE OF BEING
Intimacy is simple, it can be broken down into three words, into-me-see.
And when I did that, everything changed for me. My relationships were so much more meaningful. It was a natural progression to let go of the ones that no longer served at this depth. My husband and I had an ease, a flow to our relationship… and a depth that neither of us even knew existed.
But most surprising of all, was the way it affected our ability to call in abundance and flow with our income, and busted open the doors to being able to truly impact other human beings around the globe.
And I am not the first one to make this connection. Napoleon Hill in the infamous book Think and Grow Rich talks about a connection between what he calls, “the emotion of sex,” and our ability as humans to create vast success and creativity. There is a fun simplified article on this on Bob Proctor’s website here.
Intimacy DOES have an affect on our impact and income.
So when we pursue deep intimacy, no matter the cost, we will reap the rewards every single time.
Where do you find yourself stuck when it comes to allowing people in?
“I knew that the struggles I was having in both my life and my business were connected and I needed some help to figure out what exactly was holding me back” -SRAZ
“After opening up to the possibility, I realized that this was exactly what I needed to help me in all areas of my life.”
What holds people back from this pure hearted approach to life and marriage?
What is holding you back?
Let’s Talk.
Schedule a free call with me, to explore options for couples intimacy coaching.
" we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson