How to Upgrade your Business and your Relationships
So often as an intimacy coach, I’ll speak with women and they’ll say, “I’ve created this amazing marriage I don’t even know-how. I’m surrounded by these beautiful people, my husband, and my children. And yet I find myself pulling away from them.”
Usually, the more we get to talking it becomes apparent:
Your past has been full of situations where you couldn’t fully trust, where you couldn’t fully let your guard down.
And whether that came in the form of rough friendships, maybe childhood wounding, previous relationships, or even the relationship that you’re currently in, where maybe it wasn’t always so great.
You have your reasons.
Then add to this that you’re a high-level businesswoman.
You’re thinking “I don’t have time to go through trauma from my past again. I’ve already done that. I have a business to grow. I have clients that need me. I have work in the world that needs to be done.”
But what if there was something that could actually speak to both things for you?
Helping you up-level in both your business and your relationships?
Helping you find that depth, that closeness, AND fulfillment that you want?
There is: It’s true intimacy.
True intimacy begins with Into-Me-See. It’s seeing deeply into yourself and loving what you find there, so you radiate from the inside out. That’s how you dissolve the walls in your relationships and find more confidence and enthusiasm in your business.
I run a high-level intimacy coaching program for businesswomen who know that the way that they do their personal relationships affects how they show up in their business and how they do their business. And they have amazing results.
If you’re ready to find deep fulfillment in your relationships and in your work in the world, then intimacy may be your next level. And it would be an honor to hold space as you explore if that’s the case for you.
Schedule a 15-minute call with me. Let’s step into fullness together.
What holds people back from this pure hearted approach to life and marriage?
What is holding you back?
Let’s Talk.
Schedule a free call with me, to explore options for couples intimacy coaching.
" we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson