How Much Pleasure Can You Possibly Stand?


Recently I was pondering on how often I have believed unconsciously that in order to transcend, I have to go through intense trauma… I have to suffer and struggle.

There’s that weird point, where somehow the old trauma stories feel so familiar, even comfortable… to the point that on some level we don't want to give them up.

Do you relate?

Think about it…

In biz, when was the last time you felt completely overwhelmed as an entrepreneur? But, wait… don’t you define that schedule?

Or in your relationships, when was the last time you found yourself suppressing and withholding in the relationship, suffering alone when you hadn’t even tried to open up and share or create the connection that you want?

We are just assuming that our partner won't understand, or doesn't care, and then finding evidence to confirm that.

At some point along this journey from 3D to 5D as a global consciousness, there comes a moment when we all must realize that it is not a divine principle that we must suffer in order to progress.

We truly can shed all the layers of trauma, betrayal, abandonment, and oppression of our past, and the past damage of our ancestors… and learn to progress simply…

Learn to progress through the desires of our hearts…

We can stop setting our goals based on what we and others define as possible, and instead set ours based on what makes our hearts soar.

Then pursue that through a path of pleasure, rather than a path of struggle.

And what is it called when we listen within, listen to our purest heart’s desires, and use our inner-vessel to teach us our next steps in our progression?

My friends, this is called intimacy (into-me-see).

It is the journey to fulfillment in our relationships, in our work in the world, and in our ultimate realization of our true and divine identity, without all the struggle.

When women learn to access next-level fulfillment through true intimacy, sensuality & feminine energy in their relationships & business… They free themselves up from energy states that no longer serve them and with that freedom, they have now made themselves available for MORE PLEASURE! And more pleasure, and more pleasure.

The high-profile business women that I work with walk away so deeply connected to the core of who they really are, they are reconnected to why in the heck they started their business in the first place, and their relationships are full of ease and co-creation.

Just you, open-hearted, living out your birthright. Experiencing your fullness, accessing pleasure without limits.

All it takes is unlocking the power of true intimacy within you to make yourself available for the unlimited pleasure that is your birthright.

So now it's your turn, listen to your gut. Does something stir in you about what I have shared here? Let me guide you to your next steps.


Bonus: Curious to know more now?

Receive your Free Intimacy Guide by clicking here

Schedule a 15-minute call with me. Let’s step into fullness together.

“I will say it again, I have invested in a lot of things both personal development and business development and this is hands down the best investment I have ever made.”


What holds people back from this pure hearted approach to life and marriage?

What is holding you back?


Let’s Talk.

Schedule a free call with me, to explore options for couples intimacy coaching.

" we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson


I’m Melisa!

I breathe intimacy into places where only disconnection lives.


Ready to rekindle the beauty of connection? Learn how we can work together to bring you more happiness, love & joy.

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