Vulnerability And Deeper Intimacy

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What is all the hype with this vulnerability thing, anyways?

Let me tell you the hype: Vulnerability is the FASTEST WAY TO DEEPER INTIMACY.

I was one who always hid EVERYTHING.

I could not let someone know it was me who forgot to put on deodorant...

I couldn’t show my embarrassment... because it was weakness.

On the flip side, I DEFINITELY could not let someone know that I had been hurt, or felt hopeless or discouraged.

Anything that showed weakness was immediately masked with perfectionism and ... a generally pissy attitude.

Sound familiar?

What is all the hype with this vulnerability thing, anyways?

"I don’t get it." You may be telling yourself.

Let me tell you the hype...

couple kissing


So, go ahead, reread my heart definition...

😬 You know you've hit vulnerability when afterwards you find yourself saying... "oh my, did I just tell you that?!"

😳 Or, "Do you still like me?"

😅 Or you feel giddy, and relieved, "oh my gosh I am soo glad I can just TELL YOU these kinds of things!"

It is literally the fastest way to feeling deeply close with those you love.

What has allowed you to open up to sharing vulnerability?

What prevents you from being vulnerable?


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I’m Melisa!

I breathe intimacy into places where only disconnection lives.


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