I want a marriage that transcends with me into the Golden Age
You have come a long way in your marriage.
Gone are the days of nagging, belittling, controlling. You have let go and respect the person that is your ride-or-die.
But you aren’t the kind of person who wants to just have a connection in your marriage sometimes. You want the two of you to be in the flow…. To be so in sync that it feels like you’re literally dancing in and out of each other’s souls all day, even when you aren’t physically together.
Lately, I find myself thinking a lot about what really matters.
Thinking about who I need to be in order to fulfill the mission I was sent here to fulfill. Thinking about my children, about if I am helping them draw out their gifts enough at their tender young ages. And thinking about my marriage too, wondering if WE are living out the fullness that we are meant to… being the vessels we are meant to be… making the impact we are meant to make.
I have learned a little secret that I want to shout from the rooftops...
I am living out my fullness when I am in my fullest pleasure.
All that we want in our marriages: Day after day after day, to have new butterflies, new adventures, renewed conviction, and connection to that deep reservoir of love that runs in and through you.
Gives us access to our truest and highest selves.
I have literally seen women of great impact, completely uplevel every aspect of their life by focusing on their intimacy.
That’s because, in your true intimacy, you are in your feminine queen energy. And from that space, you are unstoppable.
Do you understand the power that lies in your marriage when you allow yourself to fully go there?
Schedule a free 15-minutes call with me and take the first step to unlock that power.
Let’s Talk.
Schedule a free call with me, to explore options for couples intimacy coaching.
"...as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson