Let's find what we hate about ourselves and beat it out of us 🤨
Goals. Blech. 'Let's find what we hate about ourselves and beat it out of us.'
If you inherently believe some people are just bad, then just keep scrolling. This won’t make any sense to you.
If, however, you believe that humanity is all inherently good and kind, that underneath it all we have pure desires… that sometimes get convoluted along the way, confused and twisted, and come out all wrong… then you will really love this.
I believe the latter. Even for the ‘worst’ of us… people like Hitler, who took his good desires and went waaay too far with strategies that weren’t good…
Underneath every action is a pure desire to experience something that is deeply meaningful to us.
So back to goals...
There are a million different ways to set goals in the masculine energy of control, force, focus, commitment, accomplishment, achievement, and doing, doing, doing. These may create results, and these results MIGHT last if your willpower is strong enough and the stars seem to be on your side.
But time and time again life has taught me that there is really only one way to ensure lasting change; that is through feminine energy.
While masculine energy gives us a million to-do's to eliminate what we dislike about ourselves… (to beat it out of us…)
Feminine energy offers one invitation: Simply love yourself.
“But everyone says, 'love yourself!' What does that mean and how do we actually do it?!”
Let me teach you.
First, identify the parts of yourself that you don't love. Yep, brutal honesty is all that will work here. Things you say, things you do or did 20 years ago, how you look, where you come from, what you think and believe. Write them all down. (You’re doing it every day in your head already.)
And then, one by one, love yourself IN THOSE THINGS.
“Did she just tell me to take the parts of myself that I hate, and love them instead?” Yep.
How do we do that?
Look for the underlying desires that had you make that choice, or gain that fat, or say that thing. What values were you being driven by? Find the purity and the goodness, the humanity underneath the things that you don't like about yourself until you can honestly say that you love yourself.
If you haven’t yet, make amends for what needs to be amended. Forgive yourself for what needs to be forgiven.
Repeat step! And then love yourself like crazy.
Love yourself in the parts you're afraid no one could love.
Love yourself in the parts people have blatantly told you they DON’T love.
Then do that tomorrow and the next day and the next day.
Masculine energy offers many ways for us to take something we don't like about ourselves and force it to change. Feminine energy simply invites us to love, and it is only through love that we truly change.
Tired of the old way of goal setting, but feeling like you might need some support in this new journey? It would be an honor to get you started on the beautiful journey toward yourself.
Let’s Talk.
Schedule a free call with me, to explore options for couples intimacy coaching.
"...as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson