The tree wants to help me with my business.
The tree wants to help me with my business.
For months now I have been receiving this vision of sitting beneath a tree, and well, basically telepathically and energetically calling in the women's heart's who I have already made spiritual contracts with, to serve.
At first, the vision came out of the mouth of my client, for herself. When you hear a truth that applies to you, you recognize it and love it, and it ignites your senses because in some way, somehow it is already a part of you…
Then it became mine. Everytime I pondered my truest heart's desire, this is what came to me. An image of me, under a tree.
I felt embarrassed at how outlandish it sounded… so I dared speak it to some of my woo-safe friends… and of course received their praise and tips about how they already practice this in their businesses.
Over time, the vision became more clear, and the tree was none other than the very tree in my backyard.
And yet I still resisted!
One night, I received a tip about how trees communicate with each other through their roots. I went wild and researched for hours into the wee-hours of the morning about how there's usually a 'Mother tree' who receives 'tips' and will communicate with, and inform, the others. It's electronic (or energetic) information. It can travel across miles and miles.
And then the Spirit whispered, She's the Mother.
We've lived here for 8 whole years. 8 whole years, and I had a Mother Tree in my backyard and didn't know it.
And also, if the trees can do it, then why can't I?
So naturally, I announced to my family that the tree had been calling to me, and it was time we climbed her.
My husband, bless his heart, says, "What's that mean? What's that like? I've never had a tree call to me before…"
To which I replied, "She is going to help me with my business."
Yes, I know I sound like a 70s hippy. This is what kept me resisting taking any action on this call for so many months.
I brought my whole family with me, and we climbed some 50+ feet into the sky in our backyard. And I told her I was sorry that I didn't listen before.
What I remember of Mother Tree…
My kids went through their highs and lows on the journey, fear of heights, and getting bark pieces in their eyes and all of it and I would remind them that if they would hug the trunk, they would feel safe again. Worked every time.
Being up there, I remembered every tree I ever climbed. How helped I always felt as a little girl, how invincible too. Like I could go higher and higher and just end up taking flight into the clouds. It felt like home.
So this is why you've called me, Mother tree? To remind me what it feels like to come home?
I kissed her branches, and broke plenty as well along the way, and we have fully made amends.
So… if you drive past my house, and it looks like I'm home, but you can't seem to find me, I'd advise you now, check the tree.
Let’s Talk.
Schedule a free call with me, to explore options for couples intimacy coaching.
" we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson